Our Mission

We provide affordable, high quality and non-financial services to the poor in order to increase their income levels and uplift their standards of living.

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Our Vision

A society where everyone can afford and sustain good living standards while building assets for a better future.

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Our Goal

To make everything possible for you

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We provide affordable, high quality and non-financial services to the poor in order to increase their income levels and uplift their standards of living.


A society where everyone can afford and sustain good living standards while building assets for a better future.


We offer internship opportunies fresh graduates with either a degree or diploma from a credited institution

Our Goals

To make everything possible for you

About Jirani Smart

Jirani Smart Ltd, is a private, mission-driven company with operations currently in East Africa that provides "microcredit" to the poor and unbanked. Since 2016, Jirani Smart has provided both financial and non-financial services to people in the rural region considered "unbankable" by formal financial institutions.

At Jirani Smart Ltd, access to affordable credit is considered a right, not a privilege. Providing affordable loan facilities is a business model that will allow the company to offer reliable financial returns and significant social returns to its investors, while providing a valuable service to its borrowers. "We believe in doing well by doing good."

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Our Loan Products

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Jirani Mauzo Pap

Cash sale. It is normally paid immediately or within one month.
Has no grace period
Has no interest

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Supa Boresha Loan

This is for all small products
It is paid within 2 months or less.
No grace period

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Boresha Maisha Loan

This is for all normal products .
Loan term is 1 to 9 months.
No grace period.

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